
I’m an independent journalist once based in Gorontalo, a small city in northern Sulawesi, Indonesia. Now I live in Seattle, and I report on the ways humans convert nature to natural resource. I investigate land and businesses in Indonesia, and I write Green Rocks, the newsletter that doesn’t want dirty mining to ruin clean energy.

When I lived in rural Indonesia, I trained my reporting on environmental topics that concerned the people around me. I set myself a goal: Limit interviews in English, so that my reporting would be guided by sources with closer lived experience and authority. Before I moved to the US at the start of the pandemic, I could count my English interviews on two hands.

I focus my reporting on identifying accountable actors and policies. I trace supply chains from small villages to national governments to products in the rich world. I target long-term projects and deeper reporting. In the US, I also write beyond-the-headlines features, science reportage, and breaking news.

I studied history and math, and my education spanned four countries before I moved to Indonesia. More about me in the social media links above and below.